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The configuration system defined in fresa_config.h includes three types of configuration variables:

  • EngineConfig: Compile time variables that change the way the engine work. These are for things like enabling different parts of the engine or values that don't change.
  • RunConfig: Run time modifiable values, for example, the settings menus or options that change with the player's input.
  • DebugConfig: Also run time values, but are disabled in production builds. All usage of this must be guarded using the FRESA_DEBUG directive. Useful for debug toggles during development.

engine config

The struct EngineConfig contains constexpr virtual methods (a new c++20 feature), allowing to create an interface that can be extended but retaining the compile time definitions. It is a bit more verbose than other approaches, but being able to extend and override constant expressions is very powerful. Look at this example, here we have the original config structure:

struct fresa::EngineConfig {
    consteval str_view virtual name() const { return "fresa"; };

Which can be overwritten as:

struct _EngineConfig : fresa::EngineConfig {
    //: change the project name to "mermelada"
    consteval str_view name() const override { return "mermelada"; }

configuration file

fresa allows you to create an optional configuration file to overwrite the default options. To do so, create a header file and include it in the project. By default the name of the configuration file is config.h, but if you wish to use a different name you can use the FRESA_CONFIG_FILE preprocessor directive as FRESA_CONFIG_FILE = file_name.h (only write the file name, excluding its path). An example configuration file is provided with the template repository, similar to this:

#pragma once
#include "fresa_config.h"

namespace fresa
    constexpr inline struct _EngineConfig : EngineConfig {
        consteval str_view name() const override { return "my project"; }
    } engine_config;

    inline RunConfig config{
        .something = "initial value"

    #ifdef FRESA_DEBUG
    inline struct DebugConfig debug_config{};

If you chose to create a configuration file, it needs to:

  • Import fresa_config.h.
  • (optional) Create a struct that extends fresa::EngineConfig to override some of the constexpr methods with new configurations.
  • (optional) Create structs that extend fresa::RunConfig and fresa::DebugConfig.
  • Create inline variables named engine_config, config and debug_config. Even if you don't modify the default options of some of these structs, you need to define all three variables (only if you create a configuration file). These variables must be either of the original struct's types or a derived type. engine_config also needs to be constexpr.

If you look at fresa_config.h, you will see that the configuration file, if present, is imported back into that header (using guards to avoid compilation loops). That means that the config variables will be available engine-wide, allowing every system to access this overwritten configuration.

using configuration

All you need to access the configuration variables is to include "fresa_config.h" and call any option from engine_config, run_config or debug_config. Note that the values in engine config are functions, so they must be called.

#include "fresa_config.h"

void using_configuration() {
    if constexpr (engine_config.version().at(0) == 0) // engine config can be used in compile time expressions

    run_config.player_name = "mango"; // run and debug config are modifyable

    #ifdef FRESA_DEBUG
    if (debug_config.show_debug_artifacts) // debug config must be guarded

configuration options


option type default value
name str_view "fresa"
version std::array<ui8, 3> {0, 4, x}
run_tests str_view ""
enable_assertions bool false
log_level ui32 0b0000111
ecs_page_size ui32 256
game_loop_wait std::chrono::milliseconds 0.5ms
res_path str_view "res"
Β vk_frames_in_flight ui8 2
Β vk_descriptor_pool_max_sets ui32 256


option type default value
window_size Vec2<ui16> {800, 600}
vk_prefer_mailbox_mode bool false


option type default value